Crow’s feet, also known as laugh lines or ‘lateral canthal lines’, are small collections of wrinkles that appear around the corner of a person’s eyes. Crow’s feet are caused by a combination of decreased collagen and skin elasticity, combined with repeated movement of muscles in the face. Often developing over a series of many years, crow’s feet do not present any negative effects on the body directly, however they may damage the self esteem of those that have them. For this reason, many people are now looking for ways to remove crow’s feet and other wrinkles from their body. So, how do you get rid of crow’s feet?
There are a number of treatment options available to help get rid of crow’s feet, such as topical cream, dermal fillers, radiofrequency, botulinum toxin, chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and cosmetic surgery. Steps can also be taken to prevent crow’s feet from appearing, including limiting exposure to the sun, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, skin exfoliation, applying peptide creams and Retinol.
Keep reading to find out more about crow’s feet, what action you can take to prevent lines forming and the available treatments for crow’s feet and other wrinkles.
How Can I Reduce Crow’s Feet?
If you are feeling self-conscious about your crow’s feet, you will be glad to hear that there are plenty of non-invasive treatments available that can effectively reduce the visibility of wrinkles around your eyes.
Topical Cream
Creams such as Tretinoin (Retin-A) are widely used to treat wrinkles, and are as effective as anti-aging moisturisers. While this treatment may not be as successful as other methods for treating deep crow’s feet, they do stimulate the production of new skin which will reduce signs of ageing.
Dermal Fillers
Used in many aesthetic treatments, dermal fillers involve injecting collagen using a fine needle to problem areas. By injecting collagen to specific areas around the eye, crow’s feet can be effectively targeted and wrinkles are reduced.
Skin tightening treatments using radiofrequency also provide an effective treatment for crow’s feet. Using subdermal fractional micro-needling, radio frequency is used to heat the dermis which stimulates collagen production, and helps skin to look tighter and younger.
Botulinum Toxin
Using muscle-relaxing injections such as Botulinum Toxin prevents muscles from contracting, which in turn can help to prevent fine lines and wrinkles from appearing. This type of treatment is especially effective for crow’s feet, and is best suited for those whose wrinkles have just started to develop.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels refer to a range of solutions that can be applied to the skin to strip the outer layer of old skin. Offering either superficial, medium-depth or deep levels of peel, chemical peels leave behind a layer of skin that appears fresher and rejuvenated.
Laser Resurfacing
Working in a similar way to a chemical peel, laser resurfacing removes the upper layers of skin to leave behind younger-looking skin, and stimulate collagen production.
Cosmetic Surgery
While a significantly more invasive and expensive option than any of those above, the most effective option for treating crow’s feet will involve cosmetic surgery. During a procedure for tackling crow’s feet, blepharoplasty may be used to remove excess skin and re-drape the fat pads.
Are There Any Ways to Prevent Crow’s Feet?
If you already have crow’s feet, then consider the treatment options above to reduce it. However, if you do not have visible crow’s feet yet or are looking for ways to prevent it from getting any worse, below are some tips to protect your skin from showing some signs of ageing.
Limit Sun Exposure
By limiting your skin’s exposure to the sun using sunglasses, sun hats and sunscreen, you are protecting yourself from the harmful UV radiation emitted by the sun. This in turn will prevent some signs of ageing such as crow’s feet.
Healthy Lifestyle
By eating a healthy diet that contains foods high in antioxidants, these foods can help to fight free radicals that cause wrinkles. Similarly, smoking cigarettes produces free radicals in the body that cause wrinkles and lines to form sooner, so quitting or reducing the amount you smoke will reduce the likelihood of wrinkles forming. Daily exercise will also help to prevent wrinkles from forming, as the movement of blood caused by exercise brings oxygen to the skin and keeps it healthy.
Consider exfoliating to reduce wrinkles on your face, as this will remove any dead skin cells from the epidermis, leaving a new, fresh-looking layer of healthy skin. This will help to prevent the emergence of fine lines and wrinkles such as crow’s feet.
Peptide Creams
Peptides can be applied to the skin using a cream that contains them, which the body interprets as damaged collagen. The body then produces more collagen to replace the damaged cells. This in turn results in firm-looking skin.
A far weaker option than Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinol is made from Vitamin A and increases the production of elastin and collagen in the skin, giving your skin a rejuvenated and firmer appearance.
Book Expert Treatment for Crow’s Feet Today
Book an appointment today to help get rid of your crow’s feet. We offer a range of expert services that can be tailored to meet your unique requirements, and a detailed assessment will take place before any treatment. Contact us today to see how we can help with your aesthetic needs.

Dr. Owen Thomas has been a medical doctor for more than 20 years since qualifying from Cardiff in 1999, now specialising in aesthetics in London and Swansea. After a 2 year level-7 Master’s Degree course in injectable aesthetic treatments training at Harley Academy, and additional study with Empire Medical Training in the US and other experts renowned in their field, he won a scholarship in the prestigious Aesthetic Intelligence Fellowship run over 7 months in Kensington, London and Paris.