Crow’s feet, also known as laugh lines or lateral canthal lines, are fine lines that develop around the eyes as we age. These wrinkles form over time due to the movement of muscles in the face caused by the expression of emotion, and remain as our skin loses elasticity over time. While these wrinkles can appear at different times for different people, they tend to begin in the same way. So, what are the first signs of crow’s feet? Is there a way to prevent the emergence of these wrinkles?
Starting as noticeable lines that form when we smile or squint our eyes, crow’s feet become fine lines that remain static even without muscle contraction. Crow’s feet appear gradually as we age, and normally appear for people in their mid-twenties to early-thirties. In fact, crow’s feet tend to be the first sign of age that appear, as fine lines around the eye usually appear before sagging skin, dullness and other wrinkles.
Keep reading to find out more about crow’s feet, how to spot the first signs, and what preventative measures can be taken to reduce them.
What are Crow’s Feet?
Crow’s feet are the fine lines that form around the eyes as we age. When we express emotions, whether it is joy, anger, sadness or anxiety, the muscles in our face move to express them. Wrinkles form as we express these emotions and, due to the abundance of collagen and elastin in our skin when we are young, our face bounces back to its original position and the wrinkles disappear. However, over time, the decreasing levels of collagen and elastin in our skin plus the influence of lifestyle choices results in the wrinkles becoming static, and crow’s feet becoming more prominent.
Find out more about facial ageing and volume loss in our detailed blog.
Recognising the First Signs
Crow’s feet will not suddenly appear on your face one day; they will usually be gradually developing over a period of many years. Often appearing to people in their mid-twenties and early thirties, crow’s feet begin as fine lines that appear around the outer corners of the eyes when we smile or squint our eyes. Over time, these fine lines will become visible even when the face is at rest.
How can I Prevent Crow’s Feet?
As we age, our skin produces less collagen and elastin which in turn contributes to skin forming wrinkles and sagging. However, the skin around the eyes is also especially thin and weak and there is no fatty tissue, which exacerbates the development of fine lines and wrinkles.
Although the ageing process cannot be slowed, there are a number of preventative measures that can delay the appearance of Crow’s feet. For example, by implementing a thorough skincare routine in your mid-twenties, crow’s feet could be delayed until you are in your 40s.
There are also a number of lifestyle choices that can impact crow’s feet, including:
- UV Exposure – UV exposure is a significant contributor to skin ageing. By protecting your skin from harmful radiation with sunscreen, a sun hat or sunglasses, you can take effective action to reduce the amount of UV radiation that your skin is exposed to.
- Smoking – Quitting smoking is not just good for your physical health in general, but can also help to reduce the signs of ageing in the skin. Smoking results in the skin being deprived of oxygen, and causes the breakdown of collagen and elastin.
- Facial Expressions – While it is impossible to stop experiencing emotions, one way to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet is to learn ways to effectively deal with emotions like anger or stress that can cause wrinkles on the face.
- Dietary Changes – Diet can also have a big impact on facial wrinkles, and so eating plenty of foods that are high in antioxidants like fresh fruit and vegetables can help to fight free radicals and pollution that contribute to wrinkles and fine lines.
- Hydration – Although drinking plenty of water might not get rid of wrinkles, it will certainly help you to stay healthy which can keep your skin looking younger and healthier for longer.
Find out more about the main causes of crow’s feet in our detailed blog.
Is There Treatment Available for Crow’s Feet?
Luckily, if you already have crow’s feet, there are treatments available for effectively reducing these fine lines. For example, Botulinum Toxin injections: by using muscle-relaxing injections, the muscles around the eyes are prevented from contracting. This method of treatment can smooth out wrinkles entirely, without restricting the motion of your face.
Can I Use Creams Around My Eyes?
While many topical creams are safe to use near the eyes, it is important to check the ingredients of each product before you use them. The skin around the eyes is highly sensitive due to the very thin skin found in this area, and so the risk of irritation is far higher than anywhere else on the body. Irritated eyes can take weeks or months to return to normal. So, if irritation does occur, speak to a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Book Treatment to Reduce Crow’s Feet with Infinity Aesthetics
If you have crow’s feet and want to get rid of them, there are a number of treatments available. By booking in a session with an experienced clinician, you will maximise the results possible whilst simultaneously minimising any risks during treatment. Contact us today to book your appointment for crow’s feet treatment.

Dr. Owen Thomas has been a medical doctor for more than 20 years since qualifying from Cardiff in 1999, now specialising in aesthetics in London and Swansea. After a 2 year level-7 Master’s Degree course in injectable aesthetic treatments training at Harley Academy, and additional study with Empire Medical Training in the US and other experts renowned in their field, he won a scholarship in the prestigious Aesthetic Intelligence Fellowship run over 7 months in Kensington, London and Paris.